About Us

We are Yoga Movement committed to keep you elevated, groovy, and grounded.

The Madrid Studio

At the Asana Groove Madrid Studio we primarily teach Jivamukti Yoga.

We also offer Vinyasa, Hatha Raja, Awakening Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Navakarana, Dance Flow, and Sound Meditation. Scroll down for a description of our class styles.


What is Jivamukti Yoga

A vigorous style of yoga that takes its basic moves from traditional Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga. It is an intellectually stimulating practice combined with an equally strong foundation in the ancient spiritual traditions of Yoga. A Jivamukti class flows by connecting breath to movement through a series of postures that ground, open, expand, and animate the practitioner. The name comes from the Sanskrit Jiva (individual living soul) and Mukti (the freeing from the eternal cycle of death and rebirth). Therefore, the full name implies liberation while still living on Earth.

Jivamukti Yoga adheres to five central tenets: Ahimsa (nonviolence), Bhakti (devotion), Dhyana (meditation), Nāda (music) and Shastra (Ancient Yogic teachings).

Jivamukti Yoga® is a registered trademark in the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, Japan, Russia and other parts of the world. 


Located in the heart of barrio Salamanca, our Yoga Studio offers daily in-person & livestream yoga classes.

Address: Calle Serrano 40, piso 1D, Madrid 28001

Class Styles

Jivamukti Yoga: A vigorous style of yoga that takes its basic moves from traditional Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga. Types of classes: Spiritual Warrior 60min, Jivamukti Open 65min 75min 90min, Restore & Renew 60min. Jivamukti Yoga® is a registered trademark in the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, Japan, Russia and other parts of the world. 

Asana Groove: Created by our founder, Fernanda, the Asana Groove style is a blend of a Jivamukti Yoga class with Shaking and Dance Meditation. Our method is fun, invigorating, deep, and nourishing for the body, mind, and spirit. The active meditation (dancing) and shaking part of the Asana Groove class, together with the kriyas and breathing practices, make it a highly effective method of purifying the body & soul.

Stretch Tone & Flow: Our signature Asana Groove 75min Class is designed for busy people who want to practice and also get a workout in. This class not only focuses on a Jivamukti Yoga based asana practice, but also on conditioning for toning specific parts of the body. The class is fast paced and invigorating and is certainly a “get-in-shape” class for your body and mind. It includes meditation, pranayama and shavasana.

Vinyasa Yoga: Vinyasa is a moving meditation integrating five components; intention, gaze, breath, movement, and mūla bandha — when practiced together, the magic is forced to rise! Coordinating all five components in practice, we have the potential to experience yoga. The class is guided and has varying degrees of difficulty. This yoga style allows practitioners to flow and evolve alongside the rhythm of their breath making each movement into a dance as each inhale and exhale brings forth a unique movement. From the Sanskrit “to place in a special way,” vinyasa aligns a deliberate sequence of poses with the breath to achieve a continuous flow. Inhalation is usually connected to upward, open movements, while exhalation is often tied to downward movements or twists.

Yoga Nidra: Yoga Nidra is a style of yoga developed by the yoga masters Swami Satyananda Saraswati and Swami Sivananda. Translated from Sanskrit as "psychic sleep yoga," it constitutes a traditional practice of meditation and ancestral relaxation originating in India. The aim of this type of yoga is to achieve deep relaxation while remaining conscious.

Awakening Yoga: Awakening yoga works through a traditional foundation in Hatha-vinyasa combined with a more functional practice tailored to modern life. We seek new movement patterns by working on our strength, coordination, balance, and flexibility. Connect with your body and its freedom to clear your mind, and enjoy the present moment by immersing yourself in the practice.

Hatha Raja Yoga: During this practice, awareness is cultivated in breath and the flow of vital energy to reach deeper states of concentration. Spiritual practice merges with the physical with the intention of guiding the practitioner towards the union of body, mind, and spirit. Asanas are structured in harmonious sequences and experienced as a gateway opening to the infinite possibilities of the body and the depths of the mind, working on grounding, opening, balance, and strength to consciously build a cleaner, healthier, and more receptive vehicle (body and mind).

Sweat & Flow: This class combines asanas with music and a progressive rhythm, coordinating breath and movement. We start with subtle movements to access internal energy and move through vinyasa sequences, pranayama, core exercises, intermediate and inverted postures.

Navakarana: Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa is a new, active, and dynamic method based on traditional yoga. Guided by mantras, percussion, and Sanskrit counts, it immerses you fully in this 75-minute moving meditation. Navakaraṇa follows the lunar cycle, aligning you with nature. There are 12 series for you to discover and learn the technique, experiencing this challenging practice.

Katonah Yoga: A Hatha Yoga practice with a unique philosophical foundation and approach. We explore our relationship with space and time through postures, breath, modifications and props.

Somatic Vinyasa: A class for emotional and energetic release, combining body movement, meditation, and guided writing. Every Sunday, immerse yourself in unique themes crafted to guide your inner exploration, aligning with both your personal energy (chakras) and the collective energy (astrology).

Sound Meditation: An immersive sound experience during which the body's harmony and relaxation are restored by allowing each cell to be immersed in the vibration emanating from the instruments. You can enter a state of deep meditation, where the vibration is similar to that of Theta (regenerative) sleep or even Delta frequency (deep sleep), where mechanisms related to the unconscious are activated.


Our teachers make our studio the home you feel it to be. Come visit our studio in-person or online and get to know our teachers.


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We collaborate with brands to create Yoga & Music experiences in unique locations


An exploration of how the chemistry of our body is impacted by who we are in the deepest part of our being.


We offer retreats in unique locations all over the world.

Our 5 Main Pillars: Yoga, Meditation, Music, Food, Nature


Online & Printed Press on the Asana Groove Madrid Studio, our retreats, and Fernanda’s trajectory as a Jivamukti Yoga Instructor since 2014


View the selection of our favorite products to use during and after yoga practice.