Written by Fernanda and the Asana Groove team, these articles provide mind-body advice, recipes, and an exploration of how the chemistry of our body is impacted by who we are in the deepest part of our being.
Be In The World But Not Of It
I emphasize IN because most times we are of the world. What happens outside owns and consumes us. We have the illusion that power is to consume the world at our fingertips with a double click on our Apple Wallet, but really it consumes us. Our energy is getting zapped through our eyes, our ears, and our taste buds every second.
How To Beat The Heat
Stress, heat, and sweat in New York in the summer are a real thing, especially when heat waves are becoming more frequent, and the heat feels like it’s more real than ever. But worry not, there’s actually a breathing technique called sitali that cools the body down. Learn to breathe and how to beat the heat.
What It Means To Be A Hero
A hero is not the one who flies and immediately takes action out of impulse. Heroes don’t fly, they sit down. They sit with things, go deep into them, and have a strong yearning to uncover the underlying truth beneath them.
The Power of Sound
A great musical work has no external purpose other than to be itself. But if you allow yourself, if you immerse deeply enough, you will experience it. Through music, we enter the present. It is an expanded present. In this moment, we release ourselves into reality, into the eternal now where the past and future lose their importance.
Spring: Re-birth, Growth & Renewal
Spring marks the end of winter and opens the opportunity for a cycle of rebirth and renewal. In the spiritual realm, this rebirth is interpreted as an opportunity to leave behind old ways of being and open ourselves to new possibilities of growth and transformation. Just as the flowers emerge from the earth, we too have the opportunity to grow and evolve in different areas of our lives.
A Space for Conscious Communication
Often, we are told that communication forms the fundamental pillar of human relationships. However, before we can establish effective communication with others, we must cultivate an internal dialogue with ourselves. In the fast-paced world we live in, it's common to wake up and immediately dive into daily routines, without taking the time to sincerely ask ourselves where are minds are at.
The Chinese Lunar New Year 2024
In these turbulent times, community emerges as a sacred amulet, offering guidance, support, and invaluable rootedness. In a world that moves so fast, with the accelerated growth of technology that connects and disconnects us at the same time, remember to cultivate a space that offers you refuge, warmth, and comfort, that niche of connections where you can share, heal, love, and be part of something more.
Have Fun With it
We’ve forgotten how to truly let ourselves loose, or at least I have. To get lost in the moment. To let all of that crippling weight we lug around with us from the moment we open our eyes until we close them again, let all of it fall to the wayside. FUN. Where is it? We’re missing it.
Backbends take you into the future without fear & open heart
Most of us have fallen into the habitual pattern of closing down, retracting, and living in a fight or flight mode scared that we will get hurt. We walk hunched down, lost in our heads, carrying our bags, as we continue to lock and close ourselves down. As we mechanically and unconsciously contract our front body day after day, the psoas muscle also hardens..
Where Attention Goes Energy Flows
We try to control our life, our bodies, and our experience of the world because we think that everything relies on what we DO or DON’T do in life. How little do we know, because in reality, nothing really depends on us. Life has its own magical way of making things happen, which has nothing to do with how much we push, shove, and pull.
Heart Over Head
It becomes very obvious to me how easy it is to get sucked in the vortex of the city's busyness; of how fast it is to become a productive thick-skinned human being. When we unconsciously choose to become numb in order to have peace of mind, we block experiences out so we don’t have to deal with the burden of having to feel them. But in doing so, we miss out on life’s richness.
Our Wild Nature
Being wild has nothing to do with going to the rainforest or Africa. Wildness is really about taking a ride to the wild places inside you. Getting in touch with our inner natural wildness is about yearning to grow and connecting with something inside of us that is alive and ready to evolve.
Time For Reflection
This is a very special time of the year; a time to reflect and re-locate ourselves in the timeline of our lives. A time perhaps to re-envision things, to recharge, and to change if we feel that change is in fact necessary. Change is the uttermost natural aspect of our human nature, and of nature itself.
Refresh Your Mind and Breathe For Change
Pump yourself up and refresh your mind using just the power of your breath. With this video you will basically be using AIR in order to create HEAT in order to experience your own brightness before you walk out the door in the morning.
Golden Latte Recipe
Turmeric really is a gold mine for anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and antioxidant properties. I love to drink it in tea, or in this delicious GOLDEN LATTE
Where Does Anger Come From
In an ideal world we would be able to express how we feel right away, and thus be in a constant state of motion liberating ourselves moment to moment saying how we feel, and not keeping anything in, or resenting anyone. But of course we can’t always express how we feel because
Morning Salutations
No matter where you might be in the world the sun is always there, even if the seasonal rains and cloudy weather don’t let us see it. Move your morning along with this two-minute Morning Salutations video to warm up your body and focus your mind in preparation for a new day.
Rough & Tumble Periods
I had no idea that the rough-and-tumble periods of my life were going to be (and still are) the moments of greatest realizations and massive shifts.
Self Connection
Just as the moon comes to illuminate areas in our lives, I’d like to also shed some light on the essence of Asana, its importance, and how it’s not only about having a physical practice, but also about self connection.