Morning Salutations
No matter where you might be in the world the sun is always there, even if the seasonal rains and cloudy weather don’t let us see it. Move your morning along with this two-minute Sun Salutations video to warm up your body and focus your mind in preparation for a new day.
Morning Salutations Asana Groove Youtube Video
As our friend Deepak Chopra says, "attention energizes, intention transforms". So I invite you to move purposefully with intention in order to activate yourself spiritually and mentally.
Sun Salutations, better known as Surya Namaskar are a series of postures that have been performed in India for over 3,500 years. Surya means “sun” in Sanskrit, and Namaskar means “to bow down to.” Sun Salutations activate and warm up your body as you flow from one posture to the next swiftly and with great ease, using the breath as the linking mechanism. It’s the practice of joining movement and breath as you “bow down to” the sun’s rise and fall every day.
Here’s why you should do sun salutations every day:
🌞 Calms down your mind by focusing it on linking the breath with movement. With every movement, there’s an inhale or an exhale.
🌞 Makes you centered and grounded creating focus for your day. You can always set an intention in the beginning :) The act of surrendering to an intention allows you to begin letting go of control.
🌞 Warms up the spine, and heats the body in preparation for harder asanas — or simply a new day wherever you may be.
🌞 Stretches the neck, arms, upper back, lower back, hamstrings, calves, and quads. Gain muscle & flexibility.
🌞 Boosts your immune system and overall health.
🌞 It only takes two minutes of your morning!
Recommendation: Practice facing east, as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west — but if you can’t figure it out in your apartment, don’t get too caught up on that!
It’s so easy to take things for granted, especially living in a city where life is rushed and there seems to be no time to acknowledge our presence on this earth every day. Try this exercise and let your awareness spread on the auspiciousness of TODAY.
Greet the sun and start your day with morning salutations at the Asana Groove Studio in Madrid. We’ll keep you elevated, groovy and grounded. Check our schedule here to book.
Yours Truly,