Living Life Intentionally

When does a “to do” item get done? Is it when we scratch it from our notebook/ tick it off in our phone notes? Or does it live longer than that.. maybe in us?

I’ve been doing this thing where I energetically and intensely cross off an item from my “to do” list as soon as I’ve made the first step into achieving it—even if I only made that first phone call to begin the task. But the question is- have I done it really? Whatever the answer to that is, the truth is that I want to get over it FAST. Sometimes I scratch it from my notebook so hard that I can’t even read what was there in the first place, which of course makes it really hard to determine whether I actually did FINISH the task. I set out to find my intent

Perhaps this urgency to cross off our to-do’s is fueled by the fear that we won’t do them and in not doing them, we will let down not only ourselves, but others too.

It’s important to notice whether our obsession with efficiency and getting things done is stronger than how we actually do those things and who we are while doing them. Are we living life intentionally ?

living life intentionally | Asana Groove

Our to do’s live with us in our minds 24/7 whether we want it to or not. They form part of our present moment, and thus they have the power to color our whole life. What we do is constantly shaping us; and more importantly, how we do those things can transform our minds. So either we choose to do them with grace and steadiness, or they can heavily weigh on us until we manage to get rid of them.

And yes, I get it.. a lot of these are not fun which is why we call them a “to-do”. Some become dreadful because of our very resistance to doing them. However, we are going to end up doing them anyway, right? So instead of feeling on the verge of a cliff, why don’t we choose to be with all the things we yet need to do, and DO them with the awareness that we are not them.

My teacher Monica Jaggi used to say:


The body and mind are acting and doing things all day long, but the real Self is not doing. The SELF remains a witness. Feeling anxious? Then ask yourself, who’s anxious? Not me. The mind is anxious. We ought to STOP identifying with the mind. Separate it, and rescue yourself from wrong identification. 

Let’s bring in a bit more trust in our capacity TO DO gracefully, from a centered and detached place.
Asana is a moving meditation. That is, moving from unconsciousness to super consciousness. Let’s live in super-consciousness. Let’s start living life intentionally.

“Come move with us at the Asana Groove Studio in Madrid and let’s get elevated, groovy and grounded in our Jivamukti classes. Check our schedule here to book.”

Yours truly,



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